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Railway Exam Preparation



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Railway Exam Preparation(圖1)-速報App

The candidates aspiring to appear for and get through various competitive and recruitment examinations like Railway Recruitment, etc must have an in-depth knowledge about the varied sections covered under the subject of General Knowledge as the same is asked in almost each and every recruitment examination.

General Knowledge 2016 provides a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge.

***** Railway GK Notes *****

- Indian History Notes

- Geography Notes

- Indian Polity Notes

- Indian Economy Notes

- General Science Notes

- Quick Facts Notes

***** Railway GK Test *****

- Indian History

- World History

- Indian Geography

- World Geography

- Economy

- Physics

- Chemistry

- Biology

Railway Exam Preparation(圖2)-速報App

- Sociology

- Science & Technology

- Indian Constitution

- Indian Politics

- Indian Culture

- Indian Famous Places

- Famous Personalities

- Honours and Awards

- Sports and Games

- Books and Authors

- Rivers and Lakes

- Mountains and Forest

- National Park

- Computer Knowledge

- UNO, Other International & National Organisation

***** Railway Last Year Papers *****

- RRB solved Exam 2005

- RRB Solved Question Paper

Railway Exam Preparation(圖3)-速報App

- RRB TC Solved Question Paper

- RRB solved Paper

Railway Exam Preparation(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad